
tuesday thing

So tomorrow I'm playin in Morro Bay.

Open Mic thing, I'm the second to last performer on the list, I should be goin' on at 9:30, they're a lot more strict about the schedule here than at Mongo's. It's a long drive for most of you, so don't feel any pressure at all to come, I'm just letting people know so that if the Wanderlust happens to take them in the direction of Morro Bay AND they don't have anything better to do around nine-nine thirty, they can come on by.

Here's directions and the set list from an e-mail I got from the guy who puts it on.

Monteleone's Rock is at 280 Harbor St., corner of Main. From points north
of Morro Bay, take the Main Street exit to Harbor St. From the south, take
Morro Bay Blvd., right on Harbor down to Main St.

July 3 lineup
7:15--Steve Key
7:30--Rob Hutchings
7:45--Deborah Kirk
8:00--Randall Lamb
8:15--Breanna Orr
8:30--Daniel Whittington & Darren Clarke
9:15--Lauren Sexton
9:30--Loren Radis
9:45--Joe Koenig

It's a little hard to find, kinda tucked away just downhill from the corner of Harbor and Main, on the left side if you're facing the ocean.




Not so much with the words this time

I think I'll go ahead and make this primarily a photo blog, mmkay?


These are from Monday's open mic adventure at Mongo's in Grover. One last time, thanks so much to everybody who came to see me, it was awesome having you guys there :)

Almost all of these are taken by Ruth (Thanks again! Great job!) I took a few but I don't remember which ones, so no sweat :)


Jeff commands you to enjoy the photoblog!

We're backlit and smiley!

Brian says we're the 2007 version of Friends. I think I'm probably Monica.

Lindsay's stretching before the strenuous night ahead!

Gotta stay limber :)

Hank and Ryan havin' a good time

Jeff's getting nose-goesed like crazy.

Courtney's making a silly face, which is weird, cuz she never does that! :P

Brian and Lindsay are happy to see you!

I might be a little bit afraid....

I'm still a little scared, but we made it over to the bar, things are lookin' up.

I look happy. Lindsay looks happy. Jeff does not look happy.

Look at them telling secrets about me! Ha, and you thought I was just paranoid :P

Brian looks exceptionally jolly :)

So I'm leanin' on the bar, and...

...Ruth decides to take a picture of my heine, yay!

Ah, beers are up finally, and a cool pic of the shot glass

I'm texting, I like this picture.

Somewhere around this point is when they called my name, two bands had ditched so i got to play a little earlier than i was supposed to, good news.

I was a little nervous.

The host wishin' me luck, hooray.

Staring match with the microphone....I can do this.

Everybody gettin' settled in.

I do a goofy little intro before each song, just to say the name and all.

I started to play, holy cow!

I even sang, yay for me.

Settlin' in for the long haul.

Ruth's good at picture taking, and they use Peavey speakers apparently.

Looks like about half my crowd is paying attention, for shame! Just kidding! :)

This is how it looked from behind the audience.

Still playing...

Still singing...the mic tasted funny...

Yay for friends who wait all night to listen to you play even when they have better things to do.

ohnoes i'm all blurry! i like this one though :)

a very emotional note apparently

yay applause, i must not have done too bad, or you guys are just polite :)

they like me, they really like me!


that's about it. ruth took a butt load of pictures and there's tons of them that are worth looking at that i didn't post here, it would have been just plain too long. you really oughta head over to my flickr.com account and see the rest.

Thanks again from the bottom of my whiny little emo heart to everyone who came, you really have no idea how much it meant to me...thank you :)

and thanks to all of you for reading, i hope to keep playing and i hope you don't get tired of listening to me,




A gray sky...A bitter sting...

Some before and afters of my new room! hooray!

I've had all my big stuff moved in for about two weeks now, still got tons of little stuff and a few pieces of furniture at the old house, but mostly i'm done.

here's before

and the after!!

yeah, so i haven't really unpacked the boxes...but i did fold my laundry and put it away...and get the wii setup...stuff like that. i'm diggin' it.

thanks for reading, that's what's new in loren's world.



Nerve Wracking to Say the Least

Last night was my second outing to Mongo's Bar in Grover Beach.

Last week when I got there twenty minutes early there was no one signed up to play on the list. I put myself fourth on the list because I didn't want to be the first one to go up. Last night when I got there fifteen minutes early, there were eight people signed up to play before me.

I was a bit distressed.

This week a lot of people heard about and decided to come to the open mic night...which was really really great and encouraging, but it also made me feel really responsible, especially when I realized they'd have to wait almost two hours if they wanted to see me play...

Surprisingly, everyone stayed. It was really amazing, everyone seemed to have a good time, no one was upset at how long it took (well, no one except me). I was so very grateful at how everyone just enjoyed themselves and was there to support me.

this is the group. sans brian, he wasn't there yet. and sans ruth, she was holding the camera.

i did something to aggravate brian, and he did something to make me laugh

this is ruth, see, i took this one!

i took this one too, pretty good i think :)

lindsay's getting drunkers! but not really :)

hank is a very silly person.

hank's getting lindsay drunkers! but not really :)

i moped a little bit, and ruth took a stealthy picture of me

i moped a little more next to brian.

look, we're both moping.

just me and hank gettin' our mope on.

ruth took pictures of people heading towards the bathroom :) hehe.

then hank went mad with power and tried to kill lindsay

we're amused at something

hank and ryan are close. very close.

the green man hit on lindsay while....

...his friend tried to strangle me with my scarf! (this is a re-enactment shot, but it's a true story)

look how cute, they're all pretending to be happy to be there! :)

oh look! and now they're pretending not to fall asleep! :)

pretending to mingle

jeff either hates me, or wants me....i'm not sure i want to know which.

jeff also drinks very fast, look how blurry his hand is!

i'm drinking beer, and that guy next to me is being creepy....

ruth took some pictures of herself too, yay!

well, that's all the pics i've got for now...there's ones of me actually onstage and there's actually a few more of the group too that are darn good, i just didn't have time to upload them all today, so later tonight or tomorrow you should be seein those, keep your eyes peeled!

thanks for reading :)
