
Skipping Through Traffic

So they're doing roadwork on Madonna Road. If you're not from around here you probably aren't aware that Madonna is the main thoroughfare through this particular part of San Luis Obispo. My office is located at one end of said road, while my house is five blocks in the opposite direction. Usually the drive takes approximately five minutes, depending on how many lights I hit.

Today, the drive took upwards of twenty.

Now, I realize this is not an earth-shattering delay or an inconvenience really deserving of this level of complainery™ , but let me tell you a little bit about myself and the situation, and maybe that will make things a little clearer.

Firstly, I hate traffic. Now that's a word I probably use a little too lightly, but in this instance I actually mean it. I HATE traffic. The feeling of powerlessness and isolation, coupled with the increasing frustration of being late, stop-and-go, not to mention the discomfort from sitting too long and the heat, etcetera. All these things added together are among the reasons that I hate traffic.

I also hate (this time that's probably not quite the right word, maybe abhor...) cd's that skip. Not just cd's that have one or two skips in a given song, but when a cd is cheap enough or has been treated poorly enough that it literally skips every three or four seconds, often losing it's place and pausing for a good ten seconds while trying to find it again.

Today in traffic I was listening to just such a cd.

It's made all the worse when it's a cd/song that you particularly enjoy, or one you're trying to learn. I'm singing along with my incredible Iron & Wine mix, almost, but not quite, forgiving the horrific traffic because the music just makes me so damn happy, and suddenly a skip!

"Calm down", I tell myself. "It's probably just a fluke or a bump in the road, you only burned this cd a week or so ago and-" but my inner monologue is interrupted by yet another skip! "It's ok, these are cheap cd's, but you've taken pretty good care of this one, it's probably just some dust and it won't happen again." but seconds after finishing my thought, another skip!

By now it's impossible to follow along with the song as it's skipping every few seconds, the temperature in the car is steadily rising due to the lack of breeze or movement and the unavoidable beating of the sun's bright rays, not to mention my own agitation bringing up my internal temperature.

Needless to say, I did not arrive home for lunch in the best of moods.

The drive back, I naturally decided in my infinite cleverness to take an alternate route home that, although traditionally would have taken longer, given the traffic on the normal route this new one would save me considerable time and spare me the stress of the cursed stop and go.

Of course, everyone else had the exact same brilliant idea at the same time.

So after lunch, I did not arrive back at work in the best of moods. Hence, spending my first half hour back typing this blog to complain about my drive, rather than getting to any actual work.

Thanks for reading, sorry for complaining.




allison's myspace survey

1. If I looked in your trunk, what would I find?

2. Do you go to the bathroom with the door open or closed?

3. Are your underwear and socks folded in your drawers, or just thrown in?

4. Dating anyone?

5. Are you a cuddler?..

6. What would I find if I looked under your bed?

7. Something that happened today that has made you mad?
nothing really.

8. What were you doing before this survey?
working. ish.

9. What will you do after this survey?
work. ish.

10. Marriage or living together?
um, marriage eventually.

11. What are you wearing right now?
socks shoes underwear jeans and a t-shirt.

12. Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
talk about them sometimes, write about them (whether it's blogs or songs or whatever...)

13. Is there something you regret and wish you could take back?
i've found that more than anything else i regret missed opportunities.

14. First thing you do when you wake up?
um, i dunno, check my e-mail? turn off the tv?

15. Last person you told you love them?

16. Kiss with your eyes open or closed?

17. Bite or Lick?
ha. both?

18. Last argument you got into?
drunken argument that turned out to be about nothing anyway :)

19. Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles?
used to. not anymore.

20. When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep?
i've actually just stopped even setting my alarm, since it wakes up my roommates before it wakes me.

21. If you were given the chance to take care of a monkey for a weekend
would you?
um, lemme think-YES.

22. What is the current advertisement on the side of the screen?
none. i've got 'em blocked :D

23. What are you looking forward to in the next few months?
hm. listening to a lot of coldplay and jimmy eat world (i'm goin back to my roots bitches)

24. When will you turn 50?
2034. wow.

25. If you were being chased by an alligator, what would you do?
pray to god to bring steve irwin back from the dead to rescue me. or that paul hogan would be filming "crocodile dundee 3: crocodile dundette" somewhere nearby and he could save me.

26. How many pillows are on your bed?
three at the moment, usually just the two though.

27. What song are you currently listening to?
fix you - coldplay

28. Have you ever passed out from drinking?
no. passed out while drunk from being tired a few times.

29. If you caught a significant other cheating on you what would you do?
cry a lot, ask them to take me back. probably never really get over it and never trust again.

30. What time did you wake up this morning?
3:50, then around seven.

31. Do you have any cousins?
yeah a few.

32. Can you imagine yourself living in a cardboard box?
haha, i look funny.

33. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
dianna cotta, event planner for farmer's market.

34. What is the WORST subject they teach in school?
oh god. in p.e. one year i had to learn the macarena. in sixth grade. that was effing traumatizing.

35. Where do you plan on living when you grow up?
i'm grown up, so i guess here. i'd kinda like to get out though...

36. What was your dream this morning?
it wasn't so much a dream as it is a thought that enters my mind every time i wake up. i see things that make me think life is one way, and i want to believe it will always be that way. it's kind of a waking dream that lasts as long as i lay there and don't let myself think about the future.

37. How many times have you seen your favorite movie?
i don't have a favorite movie so... 73?

38. Where was the last place you traveled?
traveled? um, nipomo. lol.

39. How was your past weekend?
Really really good actually.

40. What is your favorite song?
probably.... across the universe - john lennon.

41. If puppies stayed small forever, would you buy one?
eff yeah?

42. What is the best ice cream flavor?
mint chip.

43. Do you think you are attractive?
i think i have good days once in a while, but i'd have to say...average at best. :\

44. Is someone on your mind right now?
yeah i guess.

45. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
not really. it's actually something i've tried before, ugh.

46. Do you worry about how you look?
very much so. don't tell anyone though, i try to put out the "i don't care how i look or what you think of me" vibe. i think it makes me look cool. :P

47. Would you ever change for a boy/girl?
in a relationship both people have to compromise either something about themself or something they want/need in the other person. so yeah, i would. for the right person.

48. Pro-life or Pro-choice?
pro-life. there's always exceptions, like if the mom's life depends on it and the baby'll probably die anyway or something crazy like that, but i don't wanna think about something that horrible, so i won't.

49. Have you ever been on stage?
a few small ones, yeah. it's a pretty cool rush.

50. Can you whistle?
no. thanks for rubbing it in my face.

51. Do you know who Stewie Griffin is?
stewie's kind of my hero.

52. Do you have any plans for today?
karaoke tonight hopefully, beyond that not really.

53. Are you friends with more guys or girls?

54. Why?
not really sure, i just get along better with girls, i tend to be more emotional and whatnot. guys...well....ok, honestly? i'm always comparing myself to other people, so it's hard to be around other guys cuz i see all the ways they're better than me and it kind of depresses me. how's that for psychoanalyizing and brutal honesty in a blog?

55. Have you ever thought a friend could be more than a friend?

56. Do you like the beach?
couldn't imagine living further than ten minutes away from one.

57. What color is your toothbrush?
i don't even know.. white mostly.

58. What makes you laugh?
steven wright. steve martin. steve carell. steve zissou. steve erkle...guys named steve, apparently. oh, and midgets. (but not really)

59. Are you ticklish?
not even a little bit.

courtney's myspace survey


1. Who took your default pic?

2. Exactly what are you wearing right now?
esteem shirt, gap jeans, pinstripe converse, socks and boxers.

3. What is your current problem?

4. What makes you most happy?
nothing makes me happy. it's a choice i make.

5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
casimir pulaski (sufjan stevens)

6. Do you like MTV?

7. Name something that annoys you about people.
knowing you're right/better.


Chapter 1 :
(About Me)

1. Nickname(s)?

2. Eye color?

3. Hair color?


Chapter 2 :
(My Family)

1. Do you live with your parent(s)?

2. Do you get along with your parents?

3. Do you have any Siblings?


Chapter 3 :
(My Favorites)

1. Ice Cream
mint chip

2. Season:
autumn or winter

3. Book:
favorite book? can't pick one. right now i'm reading sex drugs and cocoa puffs and enjoying it.

4. Band or singer:
band - the beatles, singer - freddie mercury

5. Food:
pizza, hooray i'm in sixth grade!

6. Drink(s) (non alcoholic):

7. Drink(s) (alcoholic
mmm, vanilla vodka and cran grape.

8. Sport:
yeah, not so much.

9. Pen color:

10. Store:
costco, ha.

Chapter 4 :
(Do You..?)

1. Write on your hand?
yes, and doodle sometimes too. in fact, i think i will now.

2. Call people back?

3. Believe in love?
i want to

4. Sleep on a certain side of the bed?
no preference


Chapter 5 :
(Have You..?)

1. Been kissed?

3. Had physical therapy?

4. Gotten surgery?
not really, i've had a few teeth pulled but nothing really intrusive.

5. Taken painkillers?
i'm hooked, what can i say.

6. Been stung by a bee?
once as a kid, must have been lucky though cuz it didn't hurt at all.

7. Thrown up at a doctors office?


Chapter 6 :
(Who/What was the last..)

1. Movie you saw in the movie theatres?
i wanna say bourne ultimatum

2. Thing you touched?
? keyboard....

3. Thing you ate?
mints, before that teriyaki bowl.

4. Thing you said?
i was explaining to matt why there was an ak 47 in his "stevens" dts. :|

5. See you naked?

6. Person you hugged?

7. Person you kissed?

8. Person you called?
downtown slo association

9. Person to call you?

10. Book you read?
lovely bones

11. Place you worked?
visual purple

12. Time you cleaned your room?
just a few days ago i rearranged so i could get my damn beanbag off the floor :P


'Nother gig

Last week I played in Avila at Mr. Rick's bar down on the beach, if all goes according to plan then I'm playing there again tonight for their open mic night. It's super laid back, last time I played for just over an hour. I doubt that'll happen again, but I'm planning on doing a few songs so, stop on by if you wanna hear at all :)

Starts at 7:30-ish, but I'll be in avila earlier than that, practicing and whatnot.

Thanks, see you there!
