
Pretty Commonsensical™

So I was just reading this article and I thought you guys might find it interesting. I've heard before that stuff that's plugged in is always drawing power, even when it's "off" but I didn't know specifics like the fact that a computer that's "off" can potentially draw as much power as a refrigerator, or that a cell phone charger that's still plugged in draws almost as much power as if you were charging your phone.

Story's here, http://greenhome.huddler.com/wiki/how-to-reduce-vampire-power , if you're interested. I've been shutting off power strips when I don't use stuff for a while, but I'm gonna do even more now that I know this, save myself a little money. Apparently it's supposed to be good for the planet too or something like that, not really sure how that works but hey, two birds with one stone.




If God Had Intended For Man To Fly...

He'd have given him wings.

Well, it seems that the good Lord did see fit to give us wings, it just took a while for us to realize it.

For those of you too busy (see: lazy) to click the above link, a former fighter pilot by the name of Yves Rossy has built himself a Jetpack.

Yeah, a Jetpack. Don't believe me? Check it.



I just...wow. Um...wow. I mean COME ON! He can fly!



If you're not giddy like a schoolgirl right now then there is something FREAKING wrong with you.

I mean, the guy is flying. I don't even know what else to say about this.

The future is here my friends, the Jetpack has arrived. Congratulations.
