
Dreams and Nightmares Pt. 1

I'm in a courtyard, there is a large modern building in front of me, concrete surrounds, making up the ground, stairs, even sculptures.

Three men approach, I don't know them, but I instinctively know their names. The first, a stooped old man in a suit, is named Jack. The second, also in a suit, is his son, Bill. The third is Bill's son, who goes by "Buster". They walk up to me and the older men take a step back, their hands folded in front of them with expectant looks on their faces. I am confused, until Buster walks up and without provocation attacks me. The reasons for his actions are unclear.

He punches me, but I catch his fist and use his momentum to not only sidestep the blow but spin him around and throw him to the ground. He is angry now, his next blow lands on my ribs, I'm dazed. I retaliate with an open handed slap that turns into a grab as I thrust his head away from me, he stumbles back. I kick him in the stomach as he reels, and another punch to his solar plexus drops him once more to the ground.

His father and grandfather look on disapprovingly. Somehow I now know that a business deal that would be to the detriment of me and mine depends on Buster defeating me in a fight. He'll try again, and again, until he succeeds, I must be watchful.

I walk inside the modern building. It's a hotel, but a lavish one. The front wall is all glass panes with pale gold colored supports bordering each pane. The panes are four feet wide and six feet tall. The lobby alone has a ceiling thirty feet high. There are marble floors and walls, with comfortable but only lightly ornamented furniture adorns the waiting area. A real wood-burning fireplace provides heat. It is winter.

I see my love walking with a man she used to know. I am angry. She sees me and bids him farewell, I ask her the meaning of her actions. She says she saw an old friend, nothing more. I ask if she slept with him and after some thought, she admits that yes, she did. I leave, angrily.

I sleep the night in my hotel room, but not before another ill-advised attack from Buster. The next morning I decide I will leave the hotel and return home. I pack my bags and go downstairs. My room is on the 7th floor. In the lobby, my party sits in the waiting area. They are eating breakfast, talking, laughing. Among them is my love. She shouts that she is sorry, but she will not rise. She is on a crowded couch against the glass wall. As I exit the automatic glass doors beneath the concrete archway outside the hotel, I see Buster and his father and grandfather approach.

I must end this.

I tell him this will be our last fight, he says nothing but throws me against the wall of the archway instead. He tries to punch me but I sidestep, and he hits the wall instead. He is hurt but not badly. He tries again to charge me, but I sidestep once more and grab him from behind. Arms around his torso, I begin so spin until his feet are lifted off the ground. When I feel I have enough momentum I throw him into the wall of the archway. He falls and hits the ground headfirst. He does not rise.

I turn to leave.

Through the still open doorway I hear my love shout once again that she is sorry and that I misunderstood her yesterday. I ignore her and continue to walk away. Still sitting on the couch, she knocks her knuckles against the glass wall of the lobby. I turn to her and she tries to speak to me but I can't hear her. I signal as much.

Suddenly I hear her voice as clearly as if she were standing next to me. I am surprised. I walk closer to the glass. I ask how I can hear her. She does not move her mouth, but I hear her words inside my head saying "Think to me." I think to her "How is this possible?" I feel silly, and I know there's no way she could hear my thoughts. She responds "I can hear you, and you can hear me. We are connected." Suddenly it seems only natural that we should be able to hear one another's thoughts. My anger is forgotten in light of this new revelation. She tells me that she did not sleep with him yesterday, she misunderstood my question. She had slept with him in the past, but I already was aware of that. I am still concerned, and hurt.

I wake up.

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